
Air Systems International

  • 美国Baird百尔德155-9800泡沫型球座试验机


  • 品牌:Baird
  • 型号:155-9800
  • 类型:球座试验机
  • 电话:133-7212-3999
  • 产品描述:美国Baird百尔德155-9800泡沫型球座试验机
  • 在线订购
传统的球和阀座是泵维修中较便宜的部件之一,但也是较重要的部件之一。很多时候,目视检查并不能发现球和阀座有什么问题,但测试将证明装配有缺陷,这是毫无疑问的。由于泵的效率完全取决于球和阀座的有效密封,因此始终坚持使用美国Baird百尔德气泡型球座测试仪(Ball And Seat Testing Machine)对总成进行测试。
Brief Description:
A conventional ball and seat is one of the least expen-sive parts in the repair of a pump, yet one of the most important. Many times a visual inspection can find nothing wrong with the ball and seat, but a test will prove the assembly to be defective beyond a doubt. Because the efficiency of the pump is completely dependent upon the effective seal in the ball and seat, always insist that your assemblies be tested with the Baird bubble type tester.
The ball and seat to be tested should be clean and dry, then firmly pressed on to the rubber pad. Start the motor to actuate the vacuum pump, then open the cock (immediately to the left of the glass reservoir). Within a few seconds, the air in the line will be exhausted. Give the ball a good firm twist down into the seat. From then on, if the seal between the ball and seat is perfect, the ball should rotate in any direction with no bubbles appearing in the glass reservoir. We recommend filling the glass reservoir about half full with lite-weight motor oil (for corrosion purposes). Pour the lite-weight motor oil down the copper tube — after the motor is started and cracking the stop cock slightly.
110伏- 60循环
Electric Operated Ball & Seat Tester—Complete with Vacuum Pump, Gauge & Bubble Bowl
110 Volt—60 Cycle